4. Mothers Love


4. Mothers Love


4. Mothers love - Heart - AIR 

The sweetest, purist, of the most high, protective hug from the inside. Expanding the heart chakra in all directions and healing the relationship with the great mother.

These full bodied luscious pink heads were gathered on a warm balmy summers evening after spending a day at the beach with my beautiful Mum. We’ve talked every year for 10 years about infusing these glorious roses so this tincture also contains fruition of ideas & commitment to what we want to make in the world. 

We gathered them together from her garden with such joy at sharing this precious time, both appreciating each other’s loving company after the release of the 1st lockdown. 

This tincture represents the purest of love, love celebrated with joy infused with this roses radiant Abundance.  

Rose offers you richness in Vitamin C, but also in Vitamins A and E, B-Complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. So you can see why I consider this my number 1 go to High Priestess of healing plant spirt medicine.

In these shifting times the heart is where alll of humanity needs to learn how to listen to & draw inspiration from for how to live, Rose can support this energetic shift from head to heart centred being.

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Lions Gate Rose Tincture story.

On the 8.8.8 2016 I was guided to call together a group of powerful & gifted women to participate in the activation of this once sacred burial site now called Palmira Square in Hove. 

Collectively we opened up, reactivated & charged the megalithic site in sound & in heart song guided by the ancients & the stars. This being reputed as a powerful time for listening to guidance & making your ROAR heard.

Having used Rose Tincture for 5 years both in my practice & personally it has been an honour to witness the opening, vibration raising & heart healing. I wanted to mark this LION'S GATE gathering occasion by collecting roses in situ & infusing them in brandy, harnessing the energy of this sacred activation. Captured here within the alchemy of the Brandy & these precious huge white roses.

This tincture is powerful for activating your hearts path & the power to use your voice without restraint or fear.

Rose tincture has long been used to alleviate depression, ease fluid retention, cure colds, aid fertility, not forgetting anointing highly evolved beings in ceremony. Packed with vitamins A,B,C and is great as a general tonic & mood enhancer. My powerful connection with the spirit of Rose lies within the vibrational tonic that is Rose. The highest of vibration of all aromas I consistently use it for a tonic for an aching heart & she is most definitely my most powerful ally.

All power to you. Mitakuye Oyasin - All my Relations - We are one.